El 16/02/12 05:06, Xun Lu escribió:
> Hi Lisa,
> Please go check your PDB file.  Are those bases written out like "DT" or
> "THY" or "Td". Coot recognizes certain format for DNA bases but I forgot
> which one coot likes.  I don't have my laptop with me right now. My
> guess would be "Td".  :)
> Best,
> Xun


And that is compounded with the fact that depending on your
installation, Coot may be using its own libraries or the CCP4 ones. And
they may differ, especially if you're using the "new dictionnaries" for
refmac5. Plus the fact that depending on your preferences Coot converts
atoms to PDB v.2.x so they may not come back as you gave them to it. A

Paul, at the very least, it would be helpful if like in Lisa's case, an
ideal DNA/RNA is created consistent with whatever libraries Coot is
going to use for real space refining it.

Best regards,

-- Miguel

> On Wednesday, February 15, 2012, LISA <science...@gmail.com
> <mailto:science...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am refining a structue  of protein-DNA complex with coot. I add DNA
> by "adding ideal DNA/RNA" in the other model. But I cannot edit chi
> angle of these nucletide, neither the mutate.  When I press the mutate 
> and my DNA, coot give amino acid not nucletide. Why?
>> Thanks
>> Lisa
> -- 
> Department of Molecular and Structural Biochemistry
> North Carolina State University


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