
It's very easy to spot a 2-fold rotation or screw because the matrix
must be symmetric (or nearly so)**.  Your matrix very obviously is not
(i,e, A12 ne A21, A13 ne A31 etc).

** Proof:

 A rotation matrix is orthogonal, which implies inverse = transpose: A^-1 = A~.

A 2-fold rotation is proper which implies AA = I or A^-1 = A.

Take these together and you get A = A~ i.e. A is symmetric.

Surprising how many people aren't aware of this!


-- Iann

On 21 February 2012 13:47, Francis E Reyes <> wrote:
> Hi all
> This structure has the following ncs (output via phenix.simple_ncs_from_pdb)
> CENTER:   18.3443  -55.4605   23.0986
> ROTA 1:    1.0000    0.0000    0.0000
> ROTA 2:    0.0000    1.0000    0.0000
> ROTA 3:    0.0000    0.0000    1.0000
> TRANS:     0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
> CENTER:   37.0405  -23.8676  -14.9388
> ROTA 1:   -0.5444   -0.2202    0.8094
> ROTA 2:    0.8330   -0.0278    0.5526
> ROTA 3:   -0.0991    0.9751    0.1985
> TRANS:    45.3456  -78.7231   53.0085
> It looks two-foldish but I'm not sure if it's proper or improper. (I'm trying 
> to rationalize the lack of peaks on the self rotation maps).
> Any help would be appreciated.
> F
> ---------------------------------------------
> Francis E. Reyes M.Sc.
> 215 UCB
> University of Colorado at Boulder

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