Dear Gerard,

This is a marvelous political achievement. For years I have been trying to 
convince CCDC to allow us to
provide PURY restraint database "";, which is a compilation 
of CSDB, to unrestrained use  to public via a web server interface. Now you 
have achieved this with GRADE. 

Do I understand correctly that the CSD license restrain has been removed for 
anyone providing such a service or is the use of MOGUL the only way how one can 
provide CSDB derived parameters to public?

best wishes,

Dr. Dusan Turk, Prof.
Head of Structural Biology Group
Head of Centre for Protein  and Structure Production
Centre of excellence for Integrated Approaches in Chemistry and Biology of 
Proteins, Scientific Director
Professor of Structural Biology at IPS "Jozef Stefan"
phone: +386 1 477 3857       Dept. of Biochem.& Mol.& Struct. Biol.
fax:   +386 1 477 3984       Jozef Stefan Institute
                            Jamova 39, 1 000 Ljubljana,Slovenia
Skype: dusan.turk (voice over internet:

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