mafft and muscle are both faster than clustalw and on average more accurate. You can also use different options for mafft to push for speed or accuracy depending on your needs and patience. Tcoffee has a flavour that includes structural information if available to assist alignment. Another flavour, MCoffee, runs a set of different alignment programs, including clustalw, mafft ..., and assembles the most consistent alignment based on all of them. If you are dealing with a non-trivial alignment and its accuracy matters to you then you should always take a look at it because even the best programs sometimes make obvious mistakes. It can also pay off to use two alignment programs based on different methodologies. But don't waste too much time staring at poorly defined regions as they may simply not be structurally or evolutionary equivalent.


On 12-05-15 03:50 AM, wrote:
Certainly different programs and different scoring matrices will give different 
answers. There is not necessarily a correct answer either, just different 
educated guesses. With high sequence identity, the answers should be fairly 
consistent. As you reduce the sequence identity (i.e. as it gets more 
interesting) then the answers will vary more.

I think clustalw is generally considered to be one of the poorer multiple 
alignment programs these days (though I am sure opinions will vary here). By 
poor, I mean it struggles in the twilight zone of 25 - 30% seq identity, but is 
perfectly adequate for routine use. There are many other programs to choose 
from: probcons, mafft, TCoffee, Muscle, etc etc. In some tests of MrBUMP, we 
found some marginal cases that relied on using an alignment from probcons or 
mafft, rather than clustalw.


-----Original Message-----
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of
Tim Gruene
Sent: 15 May 2012 08:20
To: ccp4bb
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Off topic about program for multiple protein
sequence alignment

Hash: SHA1

Dear Donghui,

even within one program (clustalw) you would get different results by
picking different weighting schemes (clustalx: Aligment->Alignment
Parameter ->  Multiple Alignment Parameter: BLOSUM, PAM, Gonnet...).

As with any software I would assume the developers know best what they
are doing and recommend to stick to the defaults unless you know what
you are doing.


On 05/15/12 08:02, wu donghui wrote:
Dear all,

I want to know your suggestions about current protein sequence
alignment programs. It seems that different programs give different
alignment results such as from analysis of Clustal W and MULTALIN.
Thanks for any input or comments.

Best regards,


- --
- --
Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


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