Dear All,
I need to deposit in the PDB the co-ordinates of a protein with an internal truncation. If I do this in the normal way with consecutive numbering according to the actual polypeptide sequence in the crystal, the residue numbers after the truncation will not correspond to the equivalent residues in the untruncated protein (of which there is also a structure). Is there any good solution to this problem?
Stephen Cusack


Dr. Stephen Cusack,     
Head of Grenoble Outstation of EMBL
Group leader in structural biology of protein-RNA complexes and viral proteins
Joint appointment in EMBL Genome Biology Programme
Director of CNRS-UJF-EMBL International Unit (UMI 3265) for Virus Host Cell 
Interactions (UVHCI)

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Fax:    (33) 4 76 20 7199                                       
Postal address:   EMBL Grenoble Outstation, 6 Rue Jules Horowitz, BP181, 38042 
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