Try seeding the complex with the crystals that you have.  If you have
crystals of both proteins, crush them and mix them together.  Suspend
the seeds in whichever reservoir solution has the least salt in it*
(or suspend in 50% PEG**) .  Use random Microseed Matrix Screening
(rMMS) i.e. microseeding into random screens***.

rMMS with crystals of one component of a complex has successfully
given crystals of the complex in the past.  It's very quick and easy
to try with a robot or by hand****.

*Radaev and Sun, J. Appl. Cryst. (2002). 35, 674-676
** Cryst. Growth Design (2011) 11(8), 3432-3441
*** D’Arcy et al. Acta Cryst. (2007). D63 550-554

On 28 June 2012 13:25, Theresa Hsu <> wrote:
> Dear crystallographers
> Trying to crystallize a membrane protein complex of 100 kDa with a soluble 
> protein of 20 kDa which is interact with the membrane protein. So far, no 
> co-crystals in > 200 conditions. Some conditions gave crystals but mass spec 
> of crystals show only either one protein present. I am thinking of antibody 
> but don't know where to start. Can I use the anti-His tag antibody?
> Thank you.

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