Dear Rajesh,

We found that LLP has a single bond between C4' and Nz which is not
correct  for internal aldimine form of PLP. Please use IT1 from RCSB.

IT1 also has similarly linked PLP and Lys  with the correct double bond.

For some other PLP schiff base complexes there are multiple entries in RCSB,
so please carefully select the correct one.

On 7/24/12, David Cobessi <> wrote:
> Dear Rajesh,
> You do not need to define a link between Lys and PLP: PLP linked to Lys
> is LLP. You can find examples in PDB. LLP is recognized by Phenix and
> Refmac.
> Kind regards,
> David
> On 07/23/2012 07:30 PM, Rajesh Kumar wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> My friend needs a help.
>> What is the best way to connect Lys to PLP with covalent bond.
>> I am sure there are many ways do it. My friend would appreciate if you
>> could simplify and explain this so that he could learn it without
>> difficulties. Also I could learn
>> I appreciate your time and help
>> Thanks
>> Rajesh
> --
> David Cobessi
> Institut de Biologie Structurale
> 41, Rue Jules Horowitz
> 38027 Grenoble Cedex-1, France
> Tel:33(0)438789613
>     33(0)608164340
> Fax:33(0)438785122

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