Dear CCP4bb,

A symposium on protein-protein interactions organised by young researchers from 
around the UK.
Will probably appeal to some from the UK, but obviously all welcome.
Please respond to the organising committee ( rather than to 


 This symposium aims to provide a platform for early career Protein-Protein 
Interaction researchers from a broad range of backgrounds to come together, 
share their work and discuss the latest research. In addition to our excellent 
guest speakers there will also be opportunities for young researchers to 
present their work through short talks and posters chosen from abstracts. 
Please submit your abstract when you register for the symposium.

Plenary Lecture: Paramjit Arora (NYU)

Invited speakers: Dan Davis (Imperial college); Chun-wa Chung (GSK).

Please register at

If you have any questions please contact us at

T.A.Edwards Ph.D.
Deputy Director Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology
Lecturer in Biochemistry
Garstang 8.53d
University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT
Telephone: 0113 343 3031
-- The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to 
grow sharper.  ~Eden Phillpotts

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