To anyone with problems with coot after installing 6.3.0 in Ubuntu Linux:
I added the line
export PATH=/path/to/ccp4-6.3.0/coot-0.6.2/bin:$PATH
to my .bashrc after removing the referrals to my old ccp4 installation
setup scripts. If you don't removed or comment them out I guess that your
old coot installation will still be pathed correctly. You could also add
the export line to the ccp4.setup-sh if you wish, I guess.
Other than that I must say that this went extremely smoothly and it seems
to be the right Coot version as well. Well done!


On 18 July 2012 10:36, Marcin Wojdyr <> wrote:

> Two Windows-specific problems have been reported and fixed yesterday:
> - cif_mmdic.lib is in %CCP4%\share\ccif, should be in %CCP4%\lib
> - rapper doesn't work (missing DLL)
> cif_mmdic.lib can be moved manually, so if you don't use rapper there is no
> need to update. Installer with fixes is available from ccp4 website and
> ftp:
> Additionally ctruncate has been updated, some non-critical issues have
> been fixed.
> Marcin
> --
> Scanned by iCritical.

Morten K Grøftehauge, PhD
Pohl Group
Durham University

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