I have been working on refinements on a few enzyme-inhibitor structures lately and noticed the discrapencies in REFMAC TLS refinements between the new version 6.3.0 and older version 6.2.0. There are two molecules par ASU. I simply define each molecule as a TLS group. The problem seems not to be incidental. I have accumulated a few examples here, with each pair of parallel runs under identical running conditions.

Structure               A               B               C

Resolution              1.80            2.30            2.30
R/Rfree prior to TLS    0.209/0.256     0.216/0.287     0.217/0.279
R/Rfree w/ TLS(6.3.0)   0.529/0.541     0.247/0.297     0.245/0.296
R/Rfree w/ TLS(6.2.0)   0.188/0.225     0.206/0.262     0.206/0.255
RMSD Bond/Angle (6.3.0) 0.806/31.57     0.030/2.618     0.027/2.522
RMSD Bond/Angle (6.2.0) 0.020/1.979     0.013/2.122     0.013/2.089

The TLS refinements in version 6.3.0 result in higher R/Rfree and poor geometries. In one case (A) it was failed entirely. The calculated TLS tensors are quite different in two parallel refinements, with residual atomic B values much lower in version 6.3.0 than those reported by version 6.2.0.

I hope I can get help to resolve this problem. Currently I have to switch back to the older version for the TLS refinement.


Huiying Li, Ph. D
Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
Natural Sciences I, Rm 2443
University of California at Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697, USA
Tel: 949-824-4322(or -1953);  Fax: 949-824-3280
email: h...@uci.edu

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