
The interface for uploading both structure factor and model files can be
found here:


Checkcif is mainly intended for checking the structural details of small
molecule CIF files - I have no idea what it will make of mmcif-format PDB
files (the mmcif dictionary differs significantly from the core CIF
dictionary which is used for small molecules), or indeed whether any
checkcif output would be meaningful for a macromolecule.




Richard Gildea

Software Developer
Physical Biosciences Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Rd
Mail Stop 64R0121
CA 94720-8118

On 21 August 2012 11:02, Niu Tou <niutou2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Collegues,
> Does anybody know how to use the server http://checkcif.iucr.org/? I have
> downloaded structure factor and structure model cif files of a structure
> from PDB. However it looks this server only accept one single file, it does
> not work if these two files are uploaded separately. My question is: do I
> need to combine these two cif files into one? How to do that? Thanks!
> Niu

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