Search for homologous binding partners with close or remote homologies
with your own sequences can also be addressed from the InterEvol database
It seems you can upload the sequences there :

Hope this can help

Dr Marie-Hélène LeDu
Laboratoire de Biologie Structurale et Radiobiologie
CEA/DSV/IBiTec-S, CEA Saclay
Bât 144, pièce 25
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Tel : 33 (0)1 69 08 71 35
E-mail :

Le 06/09/12 14:20, « » <>
a écrit :

>Hi Careina,
>In answer to your first question you could also try the iPATCH server:
>This takes two reference structures for proteins that interact, and
>combined with multiple sequence alignments of their homologs attempts to
>predict the surface contact residues between them.
>As far as your second question is concerned, a quick google search using
>the term "protein interaction prediction from sequence" gave some useful
>links, one of which is Struct2Net:
>This tool attempts to predict protein-protein interactions purely from
>sequence data. However, it does use a structure-based threading approach,
>so your sequences will be run against the pdb. If they are unique to
>anything in the structural databases, it may not be useful.
>Hope this helps,
>Dr. Mohammad W. Bahar
>Division of Structural Biology
>Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
>University of Oxford

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