Not to worry- since you carefully preerved the original files,
you can easlily recover. You just need to boot a live CD
like DSL or fdora live (or maybe even Tom's Root Boot disk)
to bring up a system that can mount your filesystem and allow you to
undue the failed experiment.

Recent fedora live CD's (DVD's actually) are way overkill for your purpose,
but at least sure to recognize your hardware and filesystem. If you can
interupt the boot and tell grub to stop at runlevel 3 (add a 3 to
the list of kernel arguments) it will save a lot of time time and avoid
needing to learn the new desktop

Fedora releases are here:

I would choose version 12 or earlier. click the number, then "live',
and on down to the dvd image

good luck,

jie liu wrote:
Dear you all

I really need your help. I was trying to install ccp4i Package Manager, and
got an error saying "/lib64/tls/ version 'GLIBC-2.4' not found".

The file '/lib64/tls/' was actually linked to ''. I
thought this one might be out of date. So I found a newer version of
'' on another linux machine and copied it here under the same
directory '/lib64/tls'.

Then the stupid thing I did was as follows:

Now I can't use any command. I can't ls, rm, mv, cp, pwd, and so on. I
always got an error saying "relocation error: /lib64/tls/ symbol
_dl_tls_get_addr_soft, version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file with link time reference".

It looks like a serious problem. Did I damage the operating system? Could
you please give some advice on how to fix it?

I am anxiously waiting for your help!

Best regards

Jie Liu

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