Please pass this on to exeptional students with a strong talent for structural 

In the frame of a SNF Synergia Grant with the NMR Groups at ETH Zürich and the 
Biocentre in Basel we are looking for a PhD student for Solution NMR of 
Membrane proteins.

Our laboratories at the Paul Scherrer institute and ETH have extensive 
experience in the expression purification and crystallization of membrane 
proteins and the NMR groups are all internationally leading NMR developers. 
Therefor we think we are able to provide an absolutely unique environment for 
this research project. 

Please contact Gebhard Schertler directly if you are interested  

Prof. Gebhard F.X. Schertler
Structural Biology ETH Zürich D-BIOL

Head of Biology and Chemistry
Paul Scherrer Institut
Laboratory of Biomolecular Research, BMR
OFLC 109
CH-5232 Villigen PSI
phone +41 (0)56 310 4265

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