Hi Rex,

> I would like to specify a target atom in a pdb file and then isolate all
> atoms within a given distance of the target. The selected atoms are then to
> be placed in a new pdb file.
> Any suggestions please.

This is simple to do in PyMOL. After loading your structure just use
the mouse to select your target atom. After that, on the PyMOL command
line type,

select all within 5 of (sele)

That will quickly identify those atoms within 5 Angstroms of your
selection. For more help check out the PyMOLWiki
(http://pymolwiki.org) especially selections


-- Jason

Jason Vertrees, PhD
PyMOL Product Manager
Schrödinger, Inc.

(e) jason.vertr...@schrodinger.com
(o) +1 (603) 374-7120

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