Dear CCP4 Users,

A CCP4 update has just been released, consisting of the following changes:

* QtRView: A new results viewer with graphs and launchers for Coot, CCP4MG and 
* Nautilus: Added a missing template pdb-file
* Hgen: Bug fix in task interface
* Acorn: Bug fix in task interface
* Crank: Bug fix in ctruncate plugin
* Monomer Library: Several entries manually curated

The easiest way to obtain the update is to install the CCP4 update client, if 
you have not done so already. Details on how to install the CCP4 Update Manager 
are available from:

Note that auto-updates will work correctly only with CCP4 release 6.3.0, 
therefore upgrade if necessary. Please report any bugs to<>.

Many thanks for using CCP4,

Eugene Krissinel & Andrey Lebedev

Scanned by iCritical.

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