Dear all,
  Version 2.7 of CCP4MG is now available for download from:

The complete list of changes is give below.

Best wishes,
CCP4MG team.

 *   OpenGL (graphics window use of hardware):
        Shadows. (Display->Lighting->Shadows check-box).
        Occlusion lighting effect (buried objects are darker than
        than exposed ones).
        Object outlines (edge detection).
        Shaders working on older (HD3000 series) ATI/AMD cards.
        Program runs again on Microsoft reference OpenGL 1.1.
        Fixes for some Windows startup problems.
        Slighty faster transparency.
        Text can have a background colour.
        Text can fade with fog.
        Speed improvements on Windows.
        Screenshots up to 8000x8000 pixels on most systems.
 *   Status files:
        Portability improvements for status files.
        Fix saving data files in presentations/archives.
        Unicode filename fixes.
 *   Symmetry:
        Contacts in "Crystal" symmetry method.
        Symmetry can be on/off for individual display objects;
        can ignore central symmetry mate.
 *   User interface:
        Improvements to PISA interface.
        Speed up sequence viewer when there are many structures/chains.
        Clicking on an atom which is labelled from a previous click
        unlabels it.
        Atom selections can be given names.
        Restore the "run Coot" feature.
 *   "Vibrations" module (normal modes):
        Clicking on a mode in "Vibrations" when another is already
        running will switched to the clicked one. Generally more
        expected behaviour in this GUI.
        Show theoretical b-values button labels plots much more
 *   Picture wizards:
        Many picture wizards now draw something more sensible by
        default: broken ribbons are complete ribbons if no range for
        break is specified; multi-model CA trace works with one model.
        Wizards support "Crystal" and "View" objects.
        New way of generating complex scenes with electron density
        using new XML scene description + new picture wizards.
        Currently only in batch mode and undocumented.
 *   Object drawing styles:
        Edges of ribbons can be coloured grey (colour will be
        user-specified in 2.7.1).
        User can specify degree of which loop-shortening effect.
        Fix drawing of some bonds, e.g. S-S > 2.2 angstroms.
        Ribbon representation of cyclic polypeptides wraps around on
        itself correctly.
        On-screen display of bond/dihedral angles in "Geometry" mode.
        Fixes for slice and mask density representations.
        Geoemtry labels behave better on black background.
 *   Other:
        Symmetry colours fixed in "Render" module.
        Fix crash in "Geometry" module.
        Cope with multiple mtz files on command line.
        Work with CCP4 6.3.0 libraries and PISA.
        Install Windows VC++ redistributable package on Windows to fix
        compatibility with some versions of Windows.

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