Postdoctoral research position in Structural Biology of Asymmetric Cell Division

A postdoctoral research position is available in the group of Marina Mapelli at 
the European Institute of Oncology in Milano 
The main interest of the group focuses on the molecular mechanisms underlying 
asymmetric cell divisions, with emphasis on the role of mitotic spindle 
coupling to cortical polarity. 

The correct placement of the mitotic spindle during mitosis is fundamental to 
determine the relative position of daughter cells. Furthermore, in several stem 
cell systems the orientation of the spindle ensures that only one of the two 
daughters retains niche contacts and stem-like properties. The conserved 
NuMA/LGN/Gαi pathway is responsible for anchoring astral microtubules to 
specific cortical sites in order to orient the mitotic spindle correctly. In 
the past years, we started characterizing the biochemical properties and the 
organizational principles of the NuMA/LGN/Gαi network from purified components 
(Culurgioni et al. 2011 PNAS, Mapelli et al. 2012 Open Biol.). In particular we 
addressed the issues of 1) how these force generating machines are clustered at 
restricted cortical sites; 2) how they are coordinated with the polarity 
proteins Par3/Par6/aPKC. The general goal of the project is the structural 
characterization of protein complexes involved in mitotic spindle placement. 
The strategy to achieve this aim will combine X-ray crystallography, 
biochemistry, and cell biology.

I am seeking a talented and enthusiastic postdoctoral fellow who enjoys working 
as part of a collaborative and multidisciplinary team. The ideal candidate 
should have a PhD in protein structure, biochemistry or equivalent 
qualification, and extensive experience in expression and characterization of 
multi-subunit protein complexes. Knowledge of protein crystallography will be 

The Structural Biology Department of the IFOM-IEO Campus is equipped with the 
state-of-the-art apparatus for protein purification, characterization and 
crystallization, including
a nanodrop crystallization robot and an automated imaging system, and has good 
access to the synchrotron beamlines. Successful candidates will benefit from a 
and collaborative environment within the Campus. Candidates will be encouraged 
to apply to the Marie Curie co-founded SIPOD postdoc program 

The position is available from February 2013, with a salary of 30,000-36,000 
euro per annum.

Postdoc applicants should send their enquiries by e-mail to Marina Mapelli 
They should also ask two referees to send letters of recommendation at the same 
electronic address.

With kind regards,

  Marina Mapelli, PhD
  Department of Experimental Oncology
  European Institute of Oncology
  Via Adamello 16, 20139 Milan, Italy
  tel:  +39-02-94375018

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