The Department of Biochemistry and Structural Biology at Instituto de 
Fisiologia Celular, located in Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), 
is seeking an outstanding candidate for a tenure track faculty position at the 
level of Assistant Professor. Applicants must have a Ph.D and postdoctoral 
experience and rank will be commensurate with experience. The successful 
applicant will have a track record of quality scientific accomplishments in the 
area of interest for the department that include a wide variety of model 
systems and experimental approaches (see ). 
Responsibilities will include the development and maintenance of an 
independent, externally funded research program as well as teaching graduate 

Interested candidates should submit a cover letter, research interests, 
curriculum vitae and the names of three references to: 

Alicia González-Manjarrez, Professor 
Department of Biochemistry and Structural Biology 
Institute of Cellular Physiology 
National Autonomous University of Mexico 
University City, 04510 Mexico, D.F., Mexico. 

Applications will be received until January 31 2013. By February 28 , 3 to 5 
candidates will be chosen to come and give a seminar at our Institute; a 
candidate will be selected by April 15th 2013. 

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