To what extent "modern" geometric restraints have been upgraded over
original Engh&Huber?  And where I can find a consensus set of values
(with variances)?  

For example, Fisher et al., Acta D68:800 discusses how histidine angles
change with protonation, and refers to Engh&Huber when it says that
ND1-CE1-NE2 goes from 111.2 to 107.5 when histidine acquires positive
charge (Fig.6).  But angle table (Table 3) in original Engh&Huber from
1991 does not have any 107.5 value and seems to suggest that the numbers
should rather be 111.7+-1.3 and 108.4+-1.0, respectively.

I understand that these values are derived from structural databases and
thus can be frequently updated.  Is there some resource where "most
current" values would be listed?



After much deep and profound brain things inside my head, 
I have decided to thank you for bringing peace to our home.
                                    Julian, King of Lemurs

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