In case if dehydration needs to be done slowly and under tight control of all 
parameters, one possibility is to use micro-dialysis  buttons.

We used it for a large membrane protein complex and diffraction improved from 
~7 to 2.7 A. The crystal is fished out and put into mother liquor solution in 
the button, sealed with dialysis membrane and the button is then placed into 
about 5 mls of mother liquor with slightly higher PEG concentration. Then you 
just exchange outside buffer every day or so for solutions containing higher 
concentrations of PEG. We went from ~9 to 30 % PEG4000 in about a week. You can 
easily observe crystal under microscope and if it cracks - you went too far/too 
quickly with PEG and need to use a bit less next time. Also, this method allows 
you to control all other components of the dehydrating solution - we needed to 
decrease salt concentration at the same time as increasing PEG. You can also 
introduce/increase cryo-protectant concentration at the same time. With these 
crystals, otherwise excellent dehydration machines already mentioned did not 
work, possibly because the process had to be really slow. The reference is 

Best wishes.

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