My 0.02 on this as always. For monitors, I was worried about this at first. I replaced all my SGI units (with what was good graphics and CRT displays), and I worried about getting a new monitor and losing information with different stereo options.

I bought zalman monitors, and they work fine. They have little quirks, but overall for the price it was a great deal (a one time price for the monitor, no issues with software or hardware as you can just pick up free glasses at your local 3D movie showing).

Now the surprise. Going from a "dim" CRT display to any standard LCD display is really all you need to do. I find I don't use stereo a lot. The nice crispness of the LCD displays is really good enough, and the software is quick enough that one can do quick rotations and get a good feel for dimensions.

I find students today don't really use stereo, and I've sort of gone away from it. But I do like the Zalmans, as they do on occasion let me use stereo if that is something I need to display

As far as computers for linux - I just build them. Buy a motherboard, memory, hard drive, DVD drive, and some sort of video card and you are good to go. Costs around $300-$400 or so per computer if you do it right. I have boxes that are over 10 years old that will run a typical cns job in 10 minutes. While that is slow compared to most things now, I feel I need a 10 minute break after modeling an entire molecule (I used to get a day break, how times have changed).

All modern flavors of linux are very user friendly when it comes to installing (some more than others, that's a whole different matter; I still use fedora). They don't mind hardware, and in fact they do well with almost any newer hardware

Good luck


On 2/20/2013 2:58 PM, jlliu liu wrote:
Hi All,
I am about to order some linux boxes for protein crystallography use from DELL. Could you guys share the experience which model would be the best for this purpose? Also I know the stereo monitor topic has been discussed previously, but I would like to get the opinion for the current best stereo monitor available for model building in protein crystallography.
Thanks so much in advance for sharing your experience.

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