I am attempting to purify a protein complex of two proteins.  The Protein "A" 
and Protein "B" have been co-expressed in media containing N15-Cys.  Protein 
"A" has a 6-histadine tag.  I am able to purify this complex via a Ni-NTA 
column with good results.  I now have the Protein "A-labled/B-labled" complex 
with some excess Protein "A."  The "A/B" complex has a molecular weight of ~60 

I want to exchange the labeled Protein "B" in the "A/B" complex for un-labled 
Protein "B."

I have also expressed GST-tagged Protien "B" in media without N15-Cys.  With 
GST-tagged Protien "B" (unlabled) bound to a GSH column, I applied the 
"A-labled/B-labled" complex to the GSH column.  However, almost all of the 
protein remained on the column after on column thrombin cleavage, 1 hour at 
room temperature (thrombin cleavage site at C-term of GST).  This was my 
preferred method since it would elimnate the GST.

If I use glutathione elution on the GSH column, then I will have to do thrombin 
cleavage in solution, which will yield more efficient cleavage.  I will then 
have a mixture of my target Protein "A-labled/B-un-labled," monomeric GST, and 
dimeric GST.  I can separate monomeric GST from "A-labled/B-un-labled"  by size 
exclusion chromotography.

Here is my question:

How do I elimnate the GST dimer when the molecular weight is so close to the 
"A-labled/B-un-labled" dimer? (GST ~52 kDa, "A-labled/B-un-labled" ~60 kDa)


We do not have monomer only GST.

The pI's are too close to use ion-exchange.

Protein "A" must be co-expressed as it does not express well alone.

Many Thanks,

Sarah Presley

Ph.D. Candidate

University of Tennessee

Department of Biochemistry, Molecular, and Cellular Biology

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