Hello Qiangmin,

      Many membrane proteins like to aggregate in detergent, which
will prevent efficient site specific proteolysis. If you have not
already done so, I suggest running a size exclusion column first to
verify that your protein is monodisperse in your detergent and buffer
of choice.

      I have also heard from a few other researchers that GFP fusion
can sometimes promote aggregation. I'd appreciate hearing from others
how often they have encountered GFP-mediated aggregation, whether with
membrane or soluble proteins.


Ho Leung Ng
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry

On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 1:01 PM, CCP4BB automatic digest system
<lists...@jiscmail.ac.uk> wrote:
> Date:    Tue, 9 Apr 2013 01:22:36 +0800
> From:    Qiangmin Zhang <zhangqia...@outlook.com>
> Subject: Anyone has experience with digesting membrane protein by precession 
> protease
> Hello everybody,
> I just purified a membrane protein tagged with GFP, which has a cleavage site 
> of precession protease. And I got a problem with removing the GFP tag by 
> precession protease (1mM DTT and 1 mM EDTA were included in the buffer). It 
> can not cut my protein. I have already tried to digest it in different 
> detergent like DDM and C12E8 (also different concentration for detergent like 
> lowering the detergent to 1.1 x cmc since a recent science paper lowered the 
> detergent to this level and got it worked). I know this depends on the 
> different proteins. I am wondering if anyone has this experience in digesting 
> membrane protein by precession protease. Any suggestions are appreciated. 
> Otherwise I might have to go back to just his-tag if there is no trick for 
> that. Thank you so much in advance.
> All the best
> Qiangmin Zhang

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