Is there any consensus about the accepted format for this?

I believe Garib uses LINKR to add a link name to the record, (cant find a
description in the documentation though???)

 but also in the documentation REFMAC is said to provide a link between
symmetry related like this
   with the target distance here

LINK    1        P   DG  A   1        1.61000          O3'     DC  A   2
        1555   6554

But REFMAC a) ignores the given distance and b)  writes it out as :
LINK         P    DG A   1                 O3'  DC A   2     1555   2554

This is in agreement with the PDB definition but with a wrong distance -
presumably derived in the innards of the dictionary:

PDB  LINK definition

LINK         O   GLY A  49                NA    NA A6001     1555   1555  2.98
LINK         OG1 THR A  51                NA    NA A6001     1555
1555  2.72  
LINK         O   GLY A  49                NA    NA A6001     1555   1555  2.98
LINK         OG1 THR A  51                NA    NA A6001     1555   1555  2.72

coot seems to refuse to read the LINKR at all!

Confused Eleanor

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