Dear ccp4 users,
I have a reflections file obtained from a crystal initially scaled in H3. All the attempts to phase by Molecular Replacement were not successful and I succeeded only in P1. Based on previously solved structures from the same protein, I suspected that twinning affected crystals; so I used Twin refinement in Refmac. The program gave indication of 3 domains:

Twin operator:  H,  K,  L    : Fraction = 0.335
Twin operator:  H,  L, -H-K-L: Fraction = 0.332
Twin operator:  H, -H-K-L,  K: Fraction = 0.333

With P1 and twin refinement I obtained a reasonable initial value of FOM (0.50) but R/Rfree still remain at very large values (0.46/0.49). I am not sure about twinning and data handling in presence of 3 twin domains and I will appreciate a lot if someone will suggest me how to deal out with these data.



Fulvio Saccoccia, PhD
Sapienza University of Rome
Dept. of Biochemical Sciences "A. Rossi Fanelli"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 Rome (Italy)

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