Dear colleagues,

I have the same problems as Peer Mittl once had. 

Was this solved and what was the solution?

Running arpWarp the job terminates with the message:
Refmac_5.7.0032:   Open failed: File: 

However the mon_lib_list.cif is readable to my user?
[x_marmo@triolith3 CCP4]$ more 
_lib_name      mon_lib
_lib_version   5.39
_lib_update    06/11/12

Here is the output of the ls -l command suggested by Tim Gruene
[x_marmo@triolith3 CCP4]$ ls -l 
-rw-r--r-- 1 raber nsc 1078257 May 15 08:15 

At the end of the warpNtrace logfile is the following information:
[x_marmo@triolith3 CCP4]$ tail -22 
B value  outliers      10.000
NCS outliers           20.000

 Input file :arp_0.pdb_start
  Size of lib_com.fh(bytes) : 118100416
 Open failed: Unit:   7, File: 
 Refmac_5.7.0032:   Open failed: File: 
Times: User:       0.3s System:    0.0s Elapsed:     0:00  

QUITTING ... ARP/wARP module stopped with an error message:

*** Look for error message in the file: 
[x_marmo@triolith3 CCP4]$ 

What is wrong here?

Best regards,

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