ACA BioSAS Training Workshop WK.01
Biological Small Angle Solution Scattering
Theory and Practice
2013 ACA meeting in Hawaii

There is still Room. Reserve your space now! The early registration discount 
ends May 31*.

Small angle solution scattering (SAS) has recently experienced a dramatic 
increase in popularity within the structural biology community.
As molecular biological systems of interest become ever increasingly complex, 
SAS is providing valuable insight into structure and 
conformational behavior in solution. The availability of synchrotron radiation 
and neutron sources, commercial lab-source SAXS
instrumentation, low-noise detectors, powerful computing hardware, and better 
algorithms has made the technique accessible to 
a much larger audience than ever before.

This dual-track workshop brings together leading beamline scientists as well as 
experts in laboratory-based 
BioSAXS sources to provide a unique, practical "HOW TO" course in SAS data 
collection, processing, and interpretation.

Track A:     Getting Started in Biological Small Angle Solution Scattering: 
your practical HOW TO guide.
          Topics: Basics of scattering, Guinier analysis, monodispersity & 
aggregation, Kratky plots,
          folding & flexibility, molecular mass determination, P(r) function, 
sample preparation and 
          characterization tips, shape reconstruction, using lab sources, 
neutron scattering basics, 
          publishing your first data: what you should know.

          Speakers: Angela Chriswell (Rigaku), Javier Perez (Soleil), Srinivas 
Chakravarthy (APS), 
                    Jill Trewhella (U. Sydney), Richard Gillilan (MacCHESS, 
Cornell U.), Andreas Keilbach (Anton Paar), 
                    Juergen Graf (Incoatec), (Bruker speaker, to be confirmed), 
and others to be confirmed.

Track B:     Using Advanced Methods in Biological Small Angle Solution 
          Topics: evaluating SAXS data, molecular mass, flexibility, modeling 
software: FOXS, MES, 
          FoxDOCK, AllosMod-FOXS, strategy, inference-free data, similarity 
maps, contrast matched 
          heavy atom labeling, ensemble analysis, NMR+SAXS, ab initio modeling 
at the residue level,
          building a lab source for BioSAXS.

          Speakers:  Robert Rambo, Michal Hammel, Greg Hura (ALS), Kushol Gupta 
(Perelman School of Medicine, U. Penn)
                              Andreas Keilbach (Anton Paar),  Juergen Graf 
(Incoatec), (Bruker speaker, to be confirmed), 
                              Angela Chriswell (Rigaku), and others to be 

Workshop format: serious attention will be given to hands-on practical 

After the Workshop:

Several highly relevant BioSAXS-related sessions are scheduled for the 
beginning of the regular ACA meeting to immediately 
follow this workshop: TR.01 (Probing Biological Structure With HT SAS), 09.01 
Dynamic & Flexible Structures in Biomolecules, 
09.03 Membrane Protein Scattering. Students of this workshop will be in an 
excellent position to take full advantage these 
cutting-edge presentations and are thus encouraged to attend and exchange ideas 
with the many SAS experts in attendance.

For more information:

*To Register:

Note: students only attending the training Workshop do not need to pay the full 
ACA registration fee. 
To register for just the workshop, fill out and return the ACA registration 
form (PDF file), paying the workshop fee only.

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