I don't really understand what your space group is? space group mC??? 
On 10 Jun 2013, at 19:57, Wei Shi wrote:

> Hi all,
> I was trying to solve the structure of a protein in several different 
> datasets using xds and phenix. I could solve the structure from one dataset 
> in space group P4. For another dataset, I could solve the structure using the 
> monomer of the structure I got from the first dataset as search model and 
> solve the structure in space group mC. For the third dataset, in IDXREF.LP, 
> the space group of the highest symmetry is hp: 101.2, 101.3, 58.8, 90, 90, 
> 120. According to Mathiews coefficient, 1 monomer is expected in the 
> asymmetric unit. But I couldn't get the molecular replacement solution using 
> the same method as for the second dataset. I also tried several other search 
> models (eg. deletion of the potential flexible region in the search model) 
> and tried to find the solution in all possible pointgroup. I also tried to 
> process the data in oC (C222), the space group of the second highest symmetry 
> in IDXREF.LP, but, still I could not get right molecular replacement 
> solution.  I don't whether this means that there is a big conformational 
> change for the structure in the third dataset or the space group I use is not 
> right. Let me know if any of you would have any comments or suggestions for 
> me. Thank you so much!
> Best,
> Wei 

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