Hi Kay,
This may be helpful, assuming your data file has resolution in column 3.

set xtics rotate by -30
plot 'file' u 1:2:xticlabels(3)

Make sure you have a recent version of gnuplot.


(650) 926-2992

On Jun 24, 2013, at 7:54 AM, Kay Diederichs wrote:

Dear Gnuplot users,

you all know the crystallographic tables which have a column of resolution 
values, and columns of crystallographic indicators (R, I/sigma, ... whatever).
Assuming that I want to plot the indicator in column 2 as a function of 
resolution, I can simply say
> plot 'table.dat' us 2
but the problem is now that I would like to have the resolution values as 
labels, so instead of 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... I would like to have 30.6 5.72 3.90 3.17 
2.64 ... or so.
Furthermore these labels might be fairly wide, so I would like to rotate them, 
by (say) 30° or even 90°.
In the past, I seem to remember that I have manually positioned the labels, as 
individual text strings. This can be done for a single plot ... but then again, 
we live in the 3rd millenium and there must be a better way.
Can Gnuplot take the labels from the file and put them into the right place? 
Could anyone please share the Gnuplot magic for doing so?


Kay Diederichs                http://strucbio.biologie.uni-konstanz.de
email: kay.diederi...@uni-konstanz.de<mailto:kay.diederi...@uni-konstanz.de>    
Tel +49 7531 88 4049 Fax 3183
Fachbereich Biologie, Universität Konstanz, Box M647, D-78457 Konstanz

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