Call for access to Synchrotron Beamline Facilities, autumn 2013 - EMBL, Hamburg, Germany

As you may already be aware, due to unforeseen circumstances related to the civil construction of the PETRA III extension, DESY has postponed the PETRA III shutdown and user operation will continue until the end of 2013. Please note that the shutdown is now planned to last for most of 2014.

In view of this, we announce a call for synchrotron beam time applications in biological small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and macromolecular crystallography (MX) for the period September - December 2013.

In biological SAXS, we offer access to an undulator beamline P12 (responsible scientist Dmitri Svergun). Part of the beamtime will be available for soft condensed matter applications through a Collaborative Research Group model in partnership with the Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht.

In MX, access to the two undulator beamlines P13 and P14 is offered (responsible scientist Thomas Schneider).

Detailed description of the beamlines and links to the electronic beam proposal forms and are available at:

There will be no formal deadline for submission of proposals, and an external Project Evaluation Committee will assess the rolling proposals to the SAXS and MX beamlines. The evaluation time will be about 2 months. The acceptance and the further scheduling will depend on the score and on the availability of the user slots.

Access to the EMBL Hamburg facilities will in part be supported by the European Commission, Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 project BioStruct-X (

The users interested in assistance with crystallization, sample preparation and, in combination with their EMBL beamline visit, in sample characterization and optimization, can also apply for Biostruct-X support at:

For further information
tel. +49 40-89902-111 (small-angle X-ray scattering) (macromolecular crystallography) (sample preparation and characterization)

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