Maybe a few remarks might help:


Ad a) R merge of 80% may be OK if I/sig for high res shell is >2.

What rationale is that statement based upon and what is the exact meaning of
this statement?


Is an Rmerge of 80% not ok when <I/sigi> is say < 1.5? Or would 80% be ok if
the <i/sigI> is 3.0? 


Why should an R-merge of  80% be (too) high in the first place?


b) there is no statistical justification whatsoever for the <I/sigI> cutoff
of 2 for refinement. This has been discussed @CCP4bb multiple times, for
good reason. 

In this particular case, the (in)completeness appears to be the dominating


c) as Pavel notes, the R-value improvement means nil when truncating data -
try to refine from 8 to 2 A and Rs might be even lower (abuse we engaged in
ages ago when we did not know better and no ML)


d) absolute values of refinement Rs vs (historic) expectation values cannot
be judged without complete and detailed knowledge of the refinement


The ultimate question is whether your model improves with inclusion of more
data or not. Kay Diederichs has a few papers to this effect that make good

And CC1/2 seems to provide statistically justifiable limits for cut-off of
(reasonably complete) high resolution shells.




From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Emily
Sent: Dienstag, 27. August 2013 07:48
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Resolution, R factors and data quality


Thanks Yuriy and Pavel, 

at this resolution one would expect R/Rfree to be ~ 10-11%/12-13% assuming
you applied anisotropic B-factor refinement ( and probably having  a low
symmetry SG). 
R merge of 80% may be OK if I/sig for high res shell is >2.

Yes, I used anisotropic Bfactors and the space group is P1 21 1.  However,
the I/sig is only 1.5 in the highest shell.   Cutting the data such that the
I/sig is >2 has improved the R factors.  Thank you. 

Maps get worse.... Could it be when you use all resolution range you get 59%
of missing reflections in highest resolution shell filled in with DFc for
the purpose of map calculation?

Yes! the map that I was looking at was filled. 



On 27 August 2013 09:49, Emily Golden <> wrote:

Hi All, 

I have collected diffraction images to 1 Angstrom resolution to the edge of
the detector and 0.9A to the corner.    I collected two sets, one for low
resolution reflections and one for high resolution reflections.  

I get 100% completeness above 1A and 41% completeness in the 0.9A-0.95A


However, my Rmerge in the highest shelll is not good, ~80%.

The Rfree is 0.17 and Rwork is 0.16 but the maps look very good.   If I cut
the data to 1 Angstrom the R factors improve but I feel the maps are not as
good and I'm not sure if I can justify cutting data. 

So my question is,  should I cut the data to 1Angstrom or should I keep the
data I have?

Also, taking geometric restraints off during refinement the Rfactors improve
marginally, am I justified in doing this at this resolution?


Thank you, 



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