Dear Colleagues,

When I processed one data set with XDS, the index step said there is no
sufficient (<50%) spots  indexed, however after I tried various parameters
to get the same cell unit and space group, I chose to ignore this message
and wen on to integration.

During the integration I had to modify the following keywords to finish as
instructed by the manual:

Finally I got a scaled file, but there are many negative numbers in the
column 4 IOBS, and the SIGMA seems very high, for example:
     0     0    -6  1.751E+03  9.025E+02  1547.9  1935.5     55.0 0.32158
95  33  -85.79
     0     0    -6 -1.795E+00  5.171E+02  1547.9  1117.2     22.7 0.32158
100  -2   93.56
     0     0     6  1.426E+03  7.902E+02  1550.9  1117.2     58.7 0.32158
100  38   85.86
     0     0     6  8.512E+02  5.216E+02  1550.9  1935.5     19.0 0.32158
95  23  -93.63
     0     0    -7 -4.436E+01  4.495E+02  1547.5  2011.5     54.7 0.37469
100 -11  -85.79

Does this mean the process is wrong? Anything I can do in this case?


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