Since we keep discussing resolution cutoffs and the benefits of not to include 
all data etc.
I thought I would crowd source your opinion on this particular data set.

processed with XDS, here's the XSCALE.LP output:

COMPARED I/SIGMA   R-meas  CC(1/2)  Anomal  SigAno   Nano
   LIMIT     OBSERVED  UNIQUE  POSSIBLE     OF DATA   observed  expected        

     9.43        5365    1009      1028       98.2%       1.7%      2.1%     
5351   68.92     1.8%   100.0*     2    0.698     691
     6.67       10153    1756      1760       99.8%       2.2%      2.4%    
10134   58.30     2.4%   100.0*   -12    0.674    1404
     5.44       13114    2217      2223       99.7%       3.4%      3.5%    
13097   42.38     3.7%    99.9*   -10    0.716    1845
     4.71       15273    2583      2592       99.7%       3.2%      3.1%    
15259   46.24     3.5%    99.9*   -14    0.733    2212
     4.22       17183    2907      2934       99.1%       3.2%      3.2%    
17173   45.14     3.6%    99.9*   -16    0.722    2538
     3.85       19010    3183      3217       98.9%       4.4%      4.1%    
19000   37.38     4.8%    99.9*   -16    0.717    2794
     3.56       20764    3441      3473       99.1%       5.9%      5.6%    
20752   30.36     6.5%    99.9*   -13    0.754    3061
     3.33       22516    3681      3712       99.2%       8.8%      8.5%    
22507   22.60     9.7%    99.7*   -11    0.737    3293
     3.14       24735    3963      4001       99.1%      12.4%     13.0%    
24725   16.77    13.5%    99.5*    -8    0.696    3565
     2.98       25931    4127      4161       99.2%      17.2%     18.1%    
25924   12.82    18.7%    99.2*    -6    0.710    3751
     2.84       26521    4291      4386       97.8%      25.4%     26.9%    
26495    9.26    27.6%    98.3*    -4    0.683    3809
     2.72       20357    3495      4592       76.1%      27.6%     29.3%    
20277    7.90    30.2%    97.9*     0    0.706    2826
     2.61       15917    2860      4768       60.0%      33.7%     35.0%    
15839    6.41    37.0%    96.6*    -2    0.697    2171
     2.52       12949    2394      4944       48.4%      42.5%     45.1%    
12877    4.91    46.8%    95.3*     0    0.694    1692
     2.43       10310    1993      5097       39.1%      47.8%     50.7%    
10230    4.08    53.0%    94.4*    -2    0.670    1295
     2.36        8180    1693      5309       31.9%      56.4%     60.1%     
8079    3.12    63.0%    92.2*    -2    0.671     961
     2.29        6075    1381      5441       25.4%      69.9%     72.5%     
5971    2.28    78.9%    87.2*   -10    0.618     643
     2.22        4001    1077      5610       19.2%      82.9%     81.9%     
3893    1.78    96.0%    80.7*    -8    0.633     340
     2.16        2491     799      5771       13.8%      78.0%     83.6%     
2376    1.47    92.9%    75.9*    -4    0.586     154
     2.11         786     367      5901        6.2%     103.0%    106.4%      
666    0.87   129.9%    63.1*    12    0.580      28
    total      281631   49217     80920       60.8%       7.1%      7.2%   
280625   21.54     7.8%    99.9*    -7    0.706   39073

And here's the link so you can voice your opinion in a Survey Monkey. Results 
from this survey will be reported back to the CCP4bb.

Thanks for your participation and no there's no iPad or iPod-touch to win, and 
you also don't have to disclose your email.

The survey has only two questions, one is just a click the other one you 
provide your opinion on your decision.



P.S low resolution shell starts at 44 Å - 9.43
P.P.S. the Table1 will be revealed once I report back the outcome of this 

Jürgen Bosch
Johns Hopkins University
Bloomberg School of Public Health
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute
615 North Wolfe Street, W8708
Baltimore, MD 21205
Office: +1-410-614-4742
Lab:      +1-410-614-4894
Fax:      +1-410-955-2926

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