
I have 3 open postdoc positions, to work on technologies around fragment screening in crystals, which is what my (joint) research team at Diamond (beamline I04-1) and SGC (PX group) is trying to make simple and accessible.

Details of the project are on my website <http://www.thesgc.org/scientists/groups/oxford/crystallography>; we need smart people to:

 * (at SGC) test-drive with start-to-end soaking campaigns
 * (at SGC) develop crystal engineering to get soakable systems
   (molecular biology, biochemistry)
 * (at Diamond) explore soaking techniques

The application deadlines for the SGC posts are a function of the UK's charming political climate; if you're interested but from outside the EU, alert me with a direct email plus CV.


P.S. if you know smart undergrads who'd be interested in a DPhil in that sort of thing -- applied engineering, technology -- send them to that website too. (DPhils are what you get in Oxford - that makes it special. Or "special".)

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