Dear Faisal -

HKL2000 (Denzo/Scalepack) use I greater than -3 sigma (that's NEGATIVE 3) as the observed criterion, so that's what you would put down for this entry. There is another place where you're asked to provide an observed criterion for F's used during refinement. I always put down 0 (i.e. use all F's) for this one.

I have no idea what Scala does.

- Matt

On 11/14/13 6:06 AM, Faisal Tarique wrote:
Dear all

I request you to please explain the "Observed criterion sigma" value
required during pdb deposition. Does it depends on the methods of data
integration and scaling ? if yes then what are the values for the data
processed through scalepack2mtz (HKL2000) and scala (mosflm)..

Matthew Franklin, Ph. D.
Senior Scientist
New York Structural Biology Center
89 Convent Avenue, New York, NY 10027
(212) 939-0660 ext. 9374

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