Dear Colleagues, 

I would like to make you aware of the following opportunity for final year 
undergraduate and Masters-level students. The University of Birmingham and GSK 
have initiated Coopera-TB, an EU-funded consortium focussing on hit to lead 
optimisation of novel anti-TB scaffolds.

Details can be found here:

I would be grateful, if you could forward this information to those potentially 
interested in this opportunity.

Kind regards, 


Dr. Klaus Fütterer
Deputy Head of School
Undergraduate Admissions
Room 717, Biosciences Tower

School of Biosciences             P: +44-(0)-121-414 5895
University of Birmingham                  F: +44-(0)-121-414 5925           
Edgbaston                                      E:         
Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK           W:

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