Hi Danilo,
I'll answer you on the Phenix mailing list!
All the best,
Tom T

On Nov 25, 2013, at 8:14 AM, Danilo Belviso wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am working on a membrane protein covalently bound to a molecular antanna: 
> it is known that this molecule binds to lysine residue but I do not know how 
> many and which lysine residues it binds. 20 diffraction datasets of this 
> protein-ligand complex have been obtained and now, I would quickly localize 
> the ligand using the Fo-Fc map of each data set and using the information on 
> the covalent bound protein-ligand.
> Ligandfit tool (PHENIX) seems to be indicated to do this; to use the 
> information on the covalent bound, I am using the ligand_start keyword with a 
> pdb containing a ghost atom (however present in ligand model) perfectly 
> superposed to the lysine atom that should bind the ligand.
> The command used is:
> phenix.ligandfit data=prot.mtz model=prot.pdb ligand=lig.pdb 
> ligand_start=lig_start.pdb  input_labels="FOFCWT PHFOFCWT" \ 
> refine_ligand=True  \ nproc=32 \ cif_def_file_list=lig.cif
> description:
> - prot.mtz       (data)
> - prot.pdb       (protein without ligand)
> - lig.pdb        (ligand containing ghost atom)
> - lig_start.pdb  (ghost atom superpose to NZ of a lysine)
> - lig.cif       (restrain of lig.pdb)
> Strangely, no ligand is found at the end of the process even reducing 
> ligand_cc_min to 0.01. I have run the same command by using an other protein 
> where an other ligand has been correctly fitted but, also in this case, no 
> ligand has been detected. Conversely, without the use of ligand_start, 
> ligandfit properly localizes the ligand.
> I'm doing some mistake in the use of ligand_start? Do you know an other tool 
> to perform a ligand fitting in these conditions?
> Thanks for your answers.
> Danilo

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