
I need (reluctantly!) to install CCP4 on 20 fairly ancient Windows XP machines 
for a course. I have installed CCP4 on a central server with network-mounted 
drive and applied all the updates. CCP4 is then runnable on the individual 
computers. However when I run a Phaser job the output in QtRView ouptut does 
not look the same as it does when I run the same job on my Mac. All the graphs 
are missing and the only sections displayed are "Input Files" and "Output 
Files". I don't have the same problem for Refmac, where the graphs display 
correctly. I also tested running the Phaser job directly on the server (which 
has Windows Server 2003 R2) and the output is also lacking the graphs. I was 
wondering if this was a known issue. I haven't found anything on the Web.

Derek Logan                                         tel: +46 46 222 1443
Associate Professor                                 mob: +46 76 8585 707
Dept. of Biochemistry and Structural Biology              
Centre for Molecular Protein Science           
Lund University, Box 124, 221 00 Lund, Sweden

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