Dear All,
  The CCP4MG team would like to announce version 2.8.0 of the program (the
Christmas 2013 release).

The program may be downloaded from

Highlights of this release include:

   -  Reworked picture wizards and default program parameters to give more
complete and accurate scenes automatically.
   -  Ability to handle much larger electron density maps (including EM
maps with new colouring schemes).
   -  Gesamt option for structure superposition.
   -  Worm representation scaled by B-factor or NMR variability.
   -  Rapid calculation and display of biomolecules (from BIOMT cards in
PDB files).
   -  Faster drawing speed.
   -  Many improvements to thermal ellipsoids, "circles" and "perfect
sphere" styles.
   -  Atom selections can be saved as new file.

The complete list of new features/fixes can be seen on the download page
and at the end of this message.

Happy Christmas,
CCP4MG Team.

User interface and related
 * Radical revamp of picture wizards to give more complete and accurate
scenes automatically.
 * Calculate and display quickly biomolecules specified in PDB files.
 * Clicking on Peptide->A in selection browser only selects peptide now,
not whole A chain.
 * Sequences can be saved to text files for loading into external programs.
 * Scale bar option on main display.
 * Screen origin displayed in status bar.
 * Drag/drop of files sets file browser default directory to where file was
dragged from.
 * Allow saving of PISA assemblies and general bug fixes in PISA interface.
 * Can now save atoms of an individual display object selection to PDB file.
 * Gesamt option for structure superposition.
 * Fix render on Windows when not installed on C: drive or user drive is
not on same drive as Program Files.
 * Rib file no longer saved when batch rendering.
 * Superpose and PISA now behave properly together.
 * Fix bug with S-S bridges when doing superposition or other structure
 * Allow user to specify minimum length of alpha helices.
 * Allow use of alternate locations in atom pickers and hence vectors.
 * Fog propery can vary between scenes in movies.
Electron Density
 * Handle electron density maps up to about 1000 angstroms cubed.
 * Handle electron-microscopy maps properly by not attempted to recalculate
with symmetry. Colour by radius option for these maps.
 * Allow loading of gzipped map files.
 * Difference maps are red/green by default.
 * Can specify electron density contour level, etc. to 4 decimal places.
 * Can now download structure factors and calculate map.
 * Many more monomer types correctly identified as peptide, solute,
saccharides, etc.
 * Helix generation tool produces better geometries and now has various
beta sheets.
 * More chemically realistic distances used to calculate H-bonds and metal
 * Drawing speed 2x faster.
 * Improve quality of "Circles" style, especially with screenshots.
 * Improve quality of thermal ellipsoids.
 * Worms scaled by b-factor and NMR mobility.
 * Custom clip planes.
 * "Clip-capping" for "Perfect spheres" and "Spheres".
 * Ambient occlusion fixes for spheres.
 * Perfect spheres are now lit by all lights.
 * Perfect spheres are now clipped much better.
 * HBonds and Contacts have separate global styles.
 * Text labels can be obscured by nearer objects.
 * Lighting speedups for older nVidia cards.
 * Tutorials and other documentation updates.
 * Speed up program when there are lots of display objects.
 * Fixes for compatibility with various compilers.
 * Use CCP4 version 6.4 libraries.
 * Major overhaul of build system for future compatibility with CCP4 suite.

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