Is there a scripting error in ccp4-6.4.0/share/ccp4i/scripts/phaser_EP.script? CCP4i jobs fail with an argument format error, e.g.,

Error interpreting command line argument as a parameter definition: "data-label=F_whatever(+)"
Improper definition name "data-label"

I think phenix requires underscores, not hyphens, e.g. "data_label", "pdb_only" etc. Even the phenix documentation page is conflicted, showing both "data-label" and "data_label". Maybe is isn't supposed to matter, but in Phenix 1.8.4, it apparently does matter.

Is this something that could be fixed in the next CCP4 update? Or should I direct this to the phenix developers?


Roger S. Rowlett
Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor
Department of Chemistry
Colgate University
13 Oak Drive
Hamilton, NY 13346

tel: (315)-228-7245
ofc: (315)-228-7395
fax: (315)-228-7935

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