X6A Workbench: Hands-on Synchrotron Structural Biology
February 25 - 28, 2014

The NIGMS facility at the National Synchrotron Light Source is offering 
comprehensive hands-on training in synchrotron data collection and analysis for 
biophysicists, biochemists and molecular biologists. The goal is to provide 
participants an insight into Structural Biology methods available at a 
synchrotron radiation facility. Four to six participants are invited to follow 
a four day experiment at the X6A beamline. Most of the program will concentrate 
in the development of experimental skills. Introductory lecture will be 
presented by local experts.

Participants are invited to bring their samples for the experiments but samples 
will be provided for training.


For more information, please contact:

Mercy Baez
Photon Sciences User Administration Office
Telephone No.: 631.344.5769
Email Address: b...@bnl.gov<mailto:b...@bnl.gov>

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