Dear ccp4bb,

this is a gentle reminder for the application deadline of the
International Summer School of Crystallography, held in Hamburg,
The deadline will be the 28th of February. For further information
please visit our website:

In case you are interested in applying, please do not forget about the
two step process of registering on the INDICO website AND sending your
CV via email.

Thank you very much and sorry for the spam.

With kind regards

Cornelius Gati

Original Invitation:

We are pleased to announce the first International Summer School of
Crystallography at the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science at DESY,
Hamburg (D). As part of the International Year of Crystallography 2014,
Prof. Carmelo Giacovazzo will lecture on the basics of crystallography,
as well as, the basics of modern phasing methods in protein
crystallography covering basic mathematical understanding of
crystallographic point and space groups, diffraction experiments,
structure factor calculations, systematic absences, determination of
space groups and many additional topics. Participants will also learn
modern applications of protein crystallography using advanced light
sources, such as 3rd generation synchrotron and XFELs.

The summer school program is geared for PhD students working in the
field of crystallography, but exceptions for motivated PostDocs and MSc
students can be made. The course will mostly cover mathematical
background of crystallography, hence we are looking for students, having
a (bio)physics background. This will NOT be a workshop covering protein
crystallographic programs but rather will be theory oriented.

Accepted applicants will be asked to pay a registration fee in the
amount of 100 EUR (includes coffee breaks and lunch). In addition,
participants will have to pay for their own travel costs, unfortunately,
we do not have any travel grants.

The application deadline is on the 28th of February, 2014. Notification
of accepted applicants will be sent during March 2014. Places and
accommodation are limited to 30 students in total.
The application is a two step process:

    - Go to and complete the
application form (located at the bottom of the page).

    - Applicants must provide a motivation letter, as well as, a CV,
directly to the organizer Cornelius Gati (

Cornelius Gati

PhD student - Prof. Chapman
Center for Free-Electron Laser Science / DESY 
Building 99, Room 03.073
22607 Hamburg

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