Dear Wenhe,

<shameless plug>
You could also consider one of the screens available from Rigaku Reagents, 
former Emerald Bio (
These include the Classic Wizard Screens, the JCSG+ and PEG Ion screens as well 
as screens for LCP and a Membrane Protein 
Extraction Detergent Screening Kit.
</ shameless plug>

Good luck!

Best wishes,

Bram Schierbeek | Senior App. Sci. | Rigaku Europe || M: +31 6 13 989 469

Date:    Mon, 17 Feb 2014 23:37:37 +0800
From:    Wenhe <>
Subject: Ask for recommendation: crystal screening kit

Dear CCP4 friends,

Sorry first for the out of topic request. 

We are going to buy more crystal screening kit, however, we are only familiar 
with some popular kits which we already have in the lab (listing below). Do you 
have your favourite kits which can share with us? Our lab more focus on enzymes 
and DNA/RNA binding proteins. Thank you.

The kits we have in the lab:
1. Crystal Screen 1 and 2 (Hampton Research)
2. Index (Hampton Research)
3. Natrix 1 and 2 (Hampton Research)
4. PegRx 1 and 2 (Hampton Research)
5. Peg-Ion 1 and 2 (Hampton Research)
6. JCSG+ (Molecular Dimensions)
7. Morpheus (Molecular Dimensions)
8. Midas (Molecular Dimensions)

Kind regards,

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