Dear Rajan,
Since you raised your question about calculating the radius of your molecule.
here my suggestion, a bit long back I heard about the program HYDROPRO
I am not sure its going to be work for you, but you may give a try.
I think the program calculates the radius of gyration ! 
best wishes,

Dr. S. M. Jaimohan

On Wednesday, 5 March 2014 8:53 PM, Tim Gruene <> 
Dear Rajan kumar choudhary,

could you explain why you expect the volume to depend on the conformation of the
molecule? Do you have some effective volume in mind, e.g. the elution volume
during size exclusion chromatography?


On Wed, Mar 05, 2014 at 08:42:21PM +0530, rajan kumar wrote:
> Dear all,
> sorry for asking an off topic question. My protein is composed of two
> domains connected by a flexible linker (15aa). after 50ns simulation i came
> across the fact that one domain is flexible. so my question is that how
> could i be able to calculate the size of molecule or radius of my molecule
> and which conformation i should prefer to calculate the size of molecule.
> your any suggestion will be very helpful.
> thank you all in advance
> with best regards
> -- 
> *Rajan kumar choudhary*
> *Senior Research Fellow*
> *Department of Atomic Energy(Govt.Of India)*
> *ACTREC TATA Memorial Center *
> *Kharghar Navi-Mumbai*
> *Mumbai-410210*
> *India*

Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


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