Every now and then I pipe on this as well.  We have Zalman monitors here - I 
bought them about 4 years ago - when you could not buy them any more in the 
states.  I just bought them on Ebay - they came new in the box directly from 
China.  The person did fed-ex shipping - did not cost any extra, and at the 
time it was a very cheap way to get these models that were not available in the 
US.  I don’t know if they still sell this way or not - but for me it worked 

The monitors still work, and I agree with Zhijie, the 2D applications look 
perfect on them.  Maybe it’s because I was so used to old, dim, CRT displays.  
In any event - they are great monitors for normal work, and it’s nice on 
occasion to use 3D with them.  The 3D is OK - not perfect - but I don’t think 
any are as good as old CRT displays.  The 3D does show what you need.  What I 
really do find with modeling (myself included) is the following:  I came from a 
situation where I used 3D exclusively (SGI’s, CRT’s, blah blah blah).  Going to 
the newer, brighter, faster LCD displays means that 3D isn’t as important to me 
anymore, and I find that I typically use 2D almost exclusively.  Occasionally I 
do 3D, and when I do, the Zalman is fine for that.

Hope that helps


On Mar 6, 2014, at 7:50 AM, Zhijie Li <zhijie...@utoronto.ca> wrote:

> I beg to differ on this:
>   "Also, passive screens have a pol-filter in place, the fine lines of which 
> you will observe on a white background, the more disturbing the closer the 
> viewing distance to the screen is. So, for general office applications 
> (writing text), the screens are less useful. "
> Our LG D2342P has no issue with office work. I never noticed any thin lines 
> on the screen. In fact I think its 2D display is excellent. I wonder if the 
> issue you have is related to the screen size: the pixels of 27 in screens are 
> bigger than our 22 in screens.
> Zhijie
> From: mesters
> Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 3:55 AM
> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Stereo monitors for use with Pymol and Coot
> Hi,
> this is probaly due to the transition from old TFT style to new IPS panel 
> based monitors... Several new passive 3d monitors are hitting the market such 
> as AOC d2769Vh and the Philips Gioco 278G4. Both are based on 27" IPS Monitor 
> panels. 
> A list of possible monitors can be found at Tridef (many are old but new 
> models are listed),  https://www.tridef.com/products/pc-licensed-products.
> Problem with passive stereo is, you will half the resolution in the vertical 
> direction. It is a problem if you are looking at wire-models of structures in 
> pymol and especially fine-wire electron density mesh and models in coot as 
> those noticably loose resolution compared to active stereo screens. Also, 
> passive screens have a pol-filter in place, the fine lines of which you will 
> observe on a white background, the more disturbing the closer the viewing 
> distance to the screen is. So, for general office applications (writing 
> text), the screens are less useful. This is not to big a problem for viewing 
> full screen pictures, games and movies (increased distance to the screen...).
> Moreover, with passive monitors, as the stereo effect increases with the 
> screen size, the picture looks more "pixeled" compared to active stereo 
> screens. I personally own a AOC d2769Vh and for 3D movies it is great, for 
> coot not that useful if you plan longer sessions. At work, we operate an ASUS 
> VG278HR (active stereo and build in emitter for glasses). Many hardware 
> testers consider this screen the best one available on  the market.
> If you mainly need it for coot, I recommend to change your priorities and buy 
> an active stereo screen such as Asus VG248QE or Asus VG278HR.
> You do not need an expensive quadro card (600 will do fine) as the VG278HR 
> has build-in emitter for operation with cheap nvidia glasses.
> It pays off in the long run to invest a few more dollars as you (I assume) 
> will spend a lot of time in front of the this device (so buy the best as you 
> only have one pair of eyes....).
> - J. -
> Am 05.03.14 23:46, schrieb Shaun Lott:
>> A rather US-centric question on passive 3D monitors...
>> I'm just getting set up in the US, and I'm surprised on how few passive 3D 
>> monitors seem to be around - many models seem listed as 'out of stock' when 
>> looking in the usual places (Amazon, NewEgg, BestBuys, Walmart etc.)
>> The best deal I have found is for an LG D2343PB-BN 
>> (http://www.lg.com/us/commercial/lcd-computer-monitors/lg-D2343PB-BN) at 
>> US$274
>> Does anyone have any experience with this model, or any suggestion about 
>> where best to buy 3D monitors in the US?
>> many thanks in advance
>> Shaun
> -- 
> Dr. Jeroen R. Mesters
> Deputy, Senior Researcher & Lecturer
> Institute of Biochemistry, University of Lübeck
> Ratzeburger Allee 160, 23538 Lübeck, Germany
> phone: +49-451-5004065 (secretariate 5004061)
> fax: +49-451-5004068
> http://www.biochem.uni-luebeck.de
> http://www.iobcr.org
> <bjibjghc.png>      
> --
> If you can look into the seeds of time and tell which grain will grow and 
> which will not, speak then to me who neither beg nor fear (Shakespeare's 
> Macbeth, Act I, Scene 3)
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