Dear CCP4 Users,

An update for the CCP4-6.4.0 series has just been released, consisting of the 
following changes

◆ ARP/wARP (Mac, Linux)
1. Fix in the use of free R flag in the ARP/wARP CCP4i interface for solvent 
2. Fix in the identification of non-crystallographic symmetry that in some 
cases led to zero target number of residues
3. Fix in recognition of secondary structural elements that in rare cases led 
to a 'bus error'
* Many thanks to Marcin Cymborowski, Carmelo Giacovazzo, Ulrich Gohlke and Vito 
Calderone for reporting these problem cases.

◆ imosflm (update to 7.1.0 for all platforms)
- Multi-lattice implementation
- Parallel processing of wedges

◆ feckless (0.0.2, all)
- Fixes several major bugs

◆ pointless (1.9.2, all)
- General update for multi-lattice

◆ ctruncate (1.13.13, all)
- Fixes negative eigenvalue exit during anisotropy analysis

◆ cnautilus (0.4, all)
- Some basic output markup and numbering of output sequences

◆ refmac5 (5.8.006, all)
- Fixes for ARP/wARP and forthcoming release of Crank2

Note that auto-updates work only with CCP4 6.4.0 series, therefore please 
upgrade if necessary.
The Update Manager is now included in the package so you do not need to install 
it separately.
In addition, all available updates will be installed automatically if you are 
using Setup Manager for CCP4 installation.

Please report any bugs to

Many thanks for using CCP4.

the CCP4 core team.
Scanned by iCritical.

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