A PhD position is available in my group, with deadline April 20th.

The fellowship (with good salary) is for a period of up to 4 years,and
the starting date no later than 15.08.2014.

For instructions on how to apply, please see:

Job/ project description
The PhD project will be in the field of structural biology on a project
entitled "Shikimate pathway enzymes – Mechanism, function and drug
discovery". The project consists of two parts, the first one aiming to
answer fundamental mechanistic questions about enzyme catalysis, while
the second part is concerned with functional investigations, directed
evolution and drug design. Important methods to be applied are protein
crystallography, molecular modeling, and quantitative binding studies.

It is anticipated that the project will include a research stay at a
foreign institution such as the ETH, Zurich, which is the base of our
main international collaborators (Peter Kast and Don Hilvert).

Since this project is clearly interdisciplinary, it will be suited for
candidates from various disciplines, who are motivated to learn new
skills. It is important that the candidate is qualified for experimental
work in the laboratory, but also interested in theoretical questions.
The candidate should further be confident working on her/his own, and in
addition be a good team-player.

The successful candidate will express and purify shikimate pathway
enzymes and subject them to crystallization experiments. Candidates will
be trained in computational structural chemistry by Michele Cascella
(Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo) and use state-of-the-art
computational techniques to investigate at the atomistic level the
molecular mechanisms driving the enzymatic activity. Additional
experience in organic synthesis would be beneficial.

This work builds on previous research described in Sasso et al. 2009,
EMBO J 28, 2128-2142 and Munack et al. 2012, Chem. Biodiversity 9,
2507-27. Our laboratories are state-of-the-art.

The position will be associated to the National Norwegian PhD School in
Structural Biology, BioStruct.



Ute Krengel, PhD
University of Oslo
Department of Chemistry
P.O.Box 1033 Blindern
N-0315 Oslo, Norway

Tel : +47 22 85 54 61
Fax : +47 22 85 54 41
e-mail : ute.kren...@kjemi.uio.no

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