1. You should always use the absorption correction (your previous e-mail).
2. The statistics are bad because the crystal was not cryoprotected
properly -- data are contaminated with ice. You need to decrease the box
size during data integration to 24 x 24 mm. This will result in rejecting
ice-affected reflections.


Monica Mittal wrote:
> Dear all
> I need an advice at the part of scale.log file that i am attaching herewith
> this mail that do i have to compromise the resolution as I/sig and Rsymm
seem to be bad in resolution shell 2.3 to 2.18.
> Kindly suggest
> Thanx
> Monica

Dominika Borek, Ph.D. *** UT Southwestern Medical Center
5323 Harry Hines Blvd. *** Dallas, TX 75390-8816
214-645-6378 (phone) *** 214-645-6353 (fax)

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