Why dont you try CCP4MG ?

On 22 April 2014 22:37, Xiaoming Ren <xiaomingre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all:
> I am facing a display issue in pymol. In my structure, there is a nucleic
> acid chain with some monomers which are modified nucleotides built in
> scketcher of ccp4 suite. However, When I showed the structure in pymol as
> cartoon, the nucleic acid chain was discontinuous where the monomers are
> placed. I could not get a intact nucleic acid chain except setting the
> cartoon_nucleic_acid_mode value to 1, with the backbone passing through
> ribose C3' atoms.
> I tried to add SEQRES lines into the pdb file according to the pdb
> instruction, but it doesn't work if I want the backbone to pass through
> phosphorus atoms.
> May I get some suggestions from you? Although it's not a big problem, it's
> really painful.
> Thanks a lot and best,
> Xiaoming

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